The purpose of this article is to discuss the possible implications of applying non medical prescribing practices to a Clozapine clinic in the Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (RDASH). To reflect on such issues the current working practices, and the way in which non medical prescribing may be used, will be considered, thus identifying the perceived need and evidence base for a non medical prescribing role to improve the quality of care for service users within the Clozapine clinic. The apparent expectations of non medical prescribing from clinic staff, colleagues and service users will be considered including the suggested benefits, barriers to effective working, fears, concerns and practical implications.
How to Cite
Woolhouse, N., (2009) “How Non-Medical Prescribing may Impact on the Service Development of a Clozapine Clinic”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 6(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2009.62111