This study was part of an evaluation of a Clinical Decision Support Tool (CDST) which was developed as the basis for the Integrated Packages Approach to Care (InPac) model for adult mental health services in South West Yorkshire Mental Health NHS Trust (SWYMHT). The study investigated the use of the CDST and its potential impact on service users and carers through the standardisation of patient’s needs assessments and care packages. Focus groups for service users and carers were held to discuss their perspective of the impacts of the CDST in routine use. Thematic analysis of the group discussions suggests that service users and carers believe the CDST has some potential benefits for service users, carers and staff, yet to date, it has had little direct impact on service users. The study identified a number of areas where service users and carers believed the tool could be improved in order to increase its effectiveness in routine clinical practice.
How to Cite
Roberts, N., Minogue, V., Lucock, M., Dale, L. & Glen, R., (2008) “Exploring the Impact of a Clinical Decision Support Tool from the Perspective of Service Users & Carers”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 5(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2008.51147