This study presents psychotherapists’ perspectives on the use of the Simplified Personal Questionnaire (PQ; Elliott, Mack & Shapiro 1999) and the Helpful Aspects of Therapy form (HAT; Llewelyn 1988) in routine clinical practice, including the advantages and disadvantages for client and therapist; if and how therapists make use of these instruments during the treatment process; their overall perceived usefulness; and therapists’ openness to using PQ and HAT routinely in their clinical work. Twenty-five therapists with experience using with the PQ or HAT filled out an internet survey. Results suggest moderate to good perceived usefulness, and a high rate (91%) of openness among therapists for integrating these instruments into their routine clinical work. Advantages and disadvantages described by therapists were content analysed and are discussed, along with the strengths and limitations of the survey method used here.
How to Cite
Sales, C., Goncalves, S., Fragoeiro, A., Noronha, S. & Elliott, R., (2007) “Psychotherapists Openness to Routine Naturalistic Idiographic Research?”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 4(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2007.42145