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The Development of an Integrated Multi-disciplinary Psychological Therapies Service in Selby & York


The Adult Psychological Therapies Department of Selby and York is a service that has been evolving into its present form over the last few years. Previously, most service providers for adults in the area operated separately, but in 2000 the senior clinicians started meeting to consider closer working relations. Seven years later the services have become an integrated, multi-disciplinary department with around 40 clinical staff offering a single-point of entry for a wide range of therapeutic approaches in individual, couple, and group settings. The hub of the department is the Referral Allocation Team, which is basically an extension and continuation of the group of clinicians who met to consider the merging of the service in the first place. The Team consists of the senior clinicians from each of the seven clinical teams that now make up the service. As well as ensuring that patients are efficiently allocated to the most suitable therapy, it continues the task of integrating and developing the service to adapt to the various new challenges the NHS and its patients present. The latest challenge has been to integrate and adapt the Stepped Care Model into its referral allocation system as one of the pilot sites for the Government’s Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme (IAPT).

How to Cite

Butler, D., Reilly, S., Clark, C., Lyne, J. & Bradshaw, L., (2007) “The Development of an Integrated Multi-disciplinary Psychological Therapies Service in Selby & York”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 4(2). doi:


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David Butler
Steve Reilly
Carol Clark
Jake Lyne
Lynn Bradshaw



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