This study involves quality of interaction between Day Centre staff and Service-Users with Learning Disabilities in two Day Centres (Dc1 n=50, Dc2 n=247). The Quality of Interactions Schedule (QUIS) was applied within an eight month prospective design, involving 32 visits which constructed a ‘typical day’ composed of 20-30 minute observational sessions within each Day Centre. The largest proportions of interactions were of a positive nature (87%) across both Day Centres. More positive care interactions were seen in Dc1 and significantly higher rates of positive interactions in Dc1. The greatest use of Verbal and Non-verbal interaction was observed in Dc1. Service users initiated more of the interactions in Dc2. Lengthier verbal interactions were seen in Dc1 and conversely greater amounts of short verbal interactions were seen in Dc2. Within both centres time-tables that were inspected indicated similar proportions spent in: Work, Leisure, Education, Community and Social skills sessions. In comparison to previous studies a relatively low proportion of activities were community based and social skills orientated. Results are framed within comparable observational studies in Day Centres; differences in measurement characteristics employed (Cummins, 2000, 2002) and service evaluation of quality of life in Day centres for adults with Learning Disabilities. Reliability and validity of results were also examined.
Quality of Interactions, Engagement, Learning Disabilities, Day Centres, Quality of Life
How to Cite
Skea, D., (2007) “Quality of Staff Service User Interaction in Two Day Centres for Adults with Learning Disabilities”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 4(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2007.4137