Hyperprolactinaemia is associated with drugs used in the field of Mental Health to treat psychosis (antipsychotic). This has been found to be affecting a significant number of service users taking this medication. Hyperprolactinaemia causes endocrine disturbances including sexual dysfunction and amenorrhea and infertility. However, in the longer term service users are at risk of some disabling conditions such as osteoporosis. As part of our ongoing medication management work, early detection of hyperprolactinaemia enables safer use of antipsychotic drugs.
How to Cite
Shaw, M., (2006) “Hyperprolactinaemia and Antipsychotic Drug Use : The Benefits of Prolactin Screening for Mental Health Patients”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 3(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2006.3187