This report presents the findings of a qualitative inquiry into the purposes, processes and outcomes of NHS day services for older adults with mental health problems in Huddersfield. The study canvassed a variety of viewpoints amongst patients, carers and staff as a first step to developing further research into NHS and social day services for this patient group. All interviewees perceived help with mental health problems as the main purposes of attendance. Other views diverged: patients and carers stressed help with physical health problems and other practical assistance whilst staff chose process-related variables such as assessment and monitoring. The divergence between patients, carers and staff was even stronger when we asked about the processes and the perceived outcomes of these facilities. These different views of purposes, processes and outcomes provide a starting point for developing further exploratory and evaluative research of different NHS day services for this patient group. This may also be useful in future comparisons between NHS and social services day provision.
geriatric psychiatry, partial hospitalization, day care, Day hospital
How to Cite
Bell, M., Ring, C., Rollins, L., Todd, J., Sparks, G., Timlin, A. & Wattis, J., (2005) “Stakeholder perceptions of older adult mental health day services in Huddersfield”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 2(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2005.2141