Psychological therapy services offer help to clients with many different sorts of mental health problems using a variety of therapies provided by a range of different professional groups and are supported by a large amount of research evidence. However, applying evidence-based practice in routine clinical settings presents particular challenges. This paper outlines some of the difficulties applying research findings to routine settings and argues for a more inclusive approach to linking evidence with practice. It describes a systematic approach to service evaluation and practice based evidence within a large psychological therapies service. This approach is integrated into the service delivery. It enables clinicians to become engaged in the process of reflecting on evidence in a non-threatening way and allows innovative ways of enhancing reflective practice by linking evidence with practice in routine settings.
How to Cite
Lucock, M., Leach, C. & Iveson, S., (2005) “Using evidence to improve Psychological Therapies Services”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 2(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2005.2151