Psychosocial Interventions (PSI), a whole systems approach, is an integral part of the agenda for modernising mental health services. It is advocated as an effective approach for services in promoting the recovery of people with schizophrenia and other psychoses. The literature relevant to the approach is reviewed. However there is a dearth of literature with regard to PSI in mental health services for people with learning disabilities. This absence is particularly marked in secure settings where there is no established evidence based model of care. This paper describes the implementation of PSI in such a setting, including the central tenets of individual and group therapy, family intervention and formulation based care planning. This is supported by group supervision, staff training and the explicit support of the centre’s clinical management team. The implementation is still in progress. The evaluation strategy is also described.
How to Cite
Isherwood, T., Burns, M. & Rigby, G., (2004) “Psychosocial interventions in a medium secure unit for people with learning disabilities: A service development”, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Research and Practice 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/mhldrp.2004.1129